Macchinari per surgelazione carne


Modular chambers built with variable thickness panels for the most suitable freezing process

Freezing is a food conservation process, at very low temperature, which guarantees at best the maintenance of the physical, chemical and organoleptic characteristics of food.
It is basically an ultra-rapid freezing process bringing the temperature of the product to 30°C/40 °C in a very short time.


We can suggest the best solutions for deep-freezing of bulk or packed products.
The chambers built with variable thickness modular panels are easy to assemble thanks to the male/female groove system.

Macchinari industriali per la movimentaizone, surgelazione e
raffreddamento studiati su misura per formaggi
Macchinari industriali per la per la surgelazione
di carni confezionate o sfuse
Macchinari industriali per la per la surgelazione
di carni confezionate o sfuse